

Ep. 343 – Three Lies about Collaboration

  • August 15, 2024
  • 14 min
Professionals often overemphasize the value of collaborative work. Time spent together is frequently less valuable because we buy into underlying falsehoods without question or deeper more..

Ep. 342 – Giving Bad Advice

  • August 5, 2024
  • 14 min
What if your words of “wisdom” turn out to lead others to damaging results.  Many people inadvertently and impulsively blurt out a “you should” or more..

Ep. 341 – Adages, Aphorisms and Epigrams

  • July 29, 2024
  • 14 min
A few words can pack a punch. As you look to add tools and techniques to become an elite communicator, you need three flavors of more..

Ep. 346 – Defining your most pressing priority (MPP)