When someone is nodding when you’re talking, how do you know if it’s genuine interest and understanding or simply fake listening and they’re ready to more..
Taking just a few minutes to get ready before communicating can translate into at least some success versus serving up another hot mess. Links: BRIEF more..
This hilarious, moronic cult-classic comedy holds the keys to making a connection with an audience and maintaining it to the end. Links: Napoleon Dynamite dance more..
A ski-school story inspired a closer look into the value of mastering going slow, so you could gain more control going fast. Links: Skiing moguls more..
Advances in technology have accelerated a widespread expectation that we can have anything and everything now. It’s a false belief. Links: Stephen Covey’s Time Matrix more..
The sign of a declining civilization is the inability of its citizens to communicate openly, respectfully and politely. How do we get it back? Links: more..
When leaders give an order or provide direction, they’re frequently far from clear. Why is it so uncommon for leaders to be understood? Links: BRIEF more..
How can we plan for significantly better meetings, ones that don’t make people angry but help them get important things done? Links: BRIEF Map download more..
After-action reviews (AARs) are feedback sessions meant for groups to make important adjustments and improvements after meetings, training or missions. They are often a waste more..
A declassified World War II OSS/CIA field manual shares hidden instructions that guided average citizens to subvert their own employers. Today, it reads like an more..
How can we learn to put more balance back into our meetings, presentations and conversations? It turns out two different sports hold the answer. Links: more..